THYROID STIMULATING HARMONE DEFINITION : “Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland,...
OLIGOMENORRHEA DEFINITION : “Oligomenorrhea is a medical term used to describe infrequent or irregular menstrual periods.” ETIOLOGY/CAUSES...
DYSMENORRHEA DEFINITION : “Dysmenorrhea refers to the pain associated with menstruation.” ETIOLOGY/CAUSES : The etiology of dysmenorrhea...
AMENORRHEA DEFINITION : “Amenorrhea is the medical term for the absence of menstruation (periods).” TYPE OF AMNORRHEA...
MENSTRUAL CYCLE DEFINITION : “The cyclic events that take place in a rhythmic fashion during the reproductive...
ANEMIA IN PREGNANCY DEFINITION : “Anemia in pregnancy is a condition where a pregnant woman has...
IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA IN PREGNANCY DEFINITION : ” Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy is a condition where...
FOLATE- DEFICIENCY ANEMIA DEFINITION : “Folate deficiency anemia is a type of anemia caused by a...
ECTOPIC PREGNANCY DEFINITION : ” A ectopic pregnancy is one in which the fertilized ovum is implanted and...
CERVICAL INCOMPETENCE DEFINITION : ” Cervical incompetence, also known as incompetent cervix or cervical insufficiency, is a condition...