Definition :
“It is one form of antepartum hemorrhage where the bleeding occurs due to premature separation of normally situated placenta “
- overall incidence is about 1 in 100 deliveries
- Abruptio placenta contributes nearly 30% of all APH cases and majority (60%) occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy
Types of Abruptio placenta :
There are mainly three type of abruptio placenta…..
- Revealed abruptio placenta
- Concealed abruptio placenta
- Mixed abruptio placenta
- REVEALED ABRUPTIO PLACENTA : Separation of the placenta , the blood insinuates downwards between the membranes and the decidua . Ultimately , the blood comes out of the cervical canal to be visible externally. This is the most common type
- CANCEALED ABRUPTIO PLACENTA : The blood collects behind the separated placenta or collected in between the membranes and decidua . The collected blood is prevented from coming out of the cervix by the presenting part which presses on the lower segment . At times , the blood may percolated into the amniotic sac after rupturing the membranes
- MIXED ABRUPTIO PLACENTA : In this type , some part of blood collects inside(concealed) and a part is expelled out (revealed). Usually one variety predominate over the other. This is quite common type .
- High birth order (pregnancy with gravida >5)
- Advance age of mother
- Poor socioeconomic condition
- Low nutritional status
- Smoking (vasospasm)
- Hypertension in pregnancy
- Trauma
- Sudden uterine decompression
- Short cord
- Supine hypotension syndrome
- Placental anomaly
- sick placenta
- Folic acid deficiency
- Uterine factor (placenta implanted over the septum )
- Torsion of uterus
- Cocaine abuse
- Thrombophilias
- Hyperhomocysteinemia
- Prior abruption (risk of recurrence)
Clinical classification : Depending upon the degree of placental abruption and its clinical effect the grade as follow……
- GRADE 0 : Clinical features may be absent . The diagnosis is made after inspection of placenta following delivery.
- GRADE 1(40%) : Vaginal bleeding is slight Uterus is irritable , tenderness may be minimal or absent .Maternal BP and fibrinogen levels unaffected . FSH is good
- GRADE 2 (45%) : Vaginal bleeding is mild to moderate .Uterine tenderness is marked , Maternal pulse increased, BP is maintained .Fibrinogen level may be decreased . Shock is absent. Fetal distress or even Fetal death occurs.
CLINICAL FEATURES OF ABRUPTIO PLACENTA :Clinical features depends upon the degree of separation of placenta , type of abruptio placenta
- Abdominal pain
- Vaginal bleeding
- Uterine contraction
- Abdominal tenderness
- maternal death is rare in revealed type of abruptio placenta.
- Hemorrhage
- Shock
- Blood coagulation disorder
- Oliguria or anuria due to hypovolemia
- Postpartum hemorrhage
- Puerperal sepsis
2. FETAL :
- Fetal death may occur
- prematurity
- Anoxia
The patient is to be treated as outlined in placenta previa and arrangement should be made to shift the patient to an equipped maternity unit as early as possible.
- Administration of iron and folic acid supplement
- Early detection of pre – eclampsia
- Early detection of hypertensive disorder.