Definition :
“First stage of labor starts from the onset of the true labor pain and ends with full dilatation of cervix “
Principles of management of first stage of labor
- Noninterference with watchful expectancy so as to prepare the patient for natural birth.
- To monitor carefully the progress of labor , maternal conditions and fetal behavior so as to detect any intrapartum complication early.
Acute management of first stage of labor :
- General management
- Position
- Bowel
- Rest and ambulation
- Diet
- Bladder care
- Relief of pain
- Assessment of labor and partograph recording
- Abdominal palpation
- Note the fetal wellbeing
- Vaginal examination
- Encouragement , emotional support and assurance are given to keep up the morale
- Constant supervision is ensured.
- Antiseptic dressing
Position :
- Generally , a women in early normal labor may not be confined to bed.
- While in bed she may take the position most comfortable to her
- She should avoid dorsal supine position to avoid aortocaval compression.
Bowel :
- An enema with soap and water or glycerin suppository is traditionally given in early stage .
- This may be given if the rectum feels loaded on vaginal examination.
- But enema neither shortens the duration of labor nor reduce the infection rate
Rest and ambulance :
- If the membrane are intact , the patient is allowed to to walk.
- This attitude prevents venacaval compression and encourage decent of head .
- Ambulation can reduce the duration of labor , need of analgesics and improve maternal comfort.
- If labor is monitored electronically or analgesics drug is given ,she should be on bed.
- There is delayed emptying of stomach in labor.
- Low pH of the gastric content is a real danger if aspirated following general anesthesia when needed unexpectedly .
- So food is withheld during active labor.
- Fluids in the form of plain water , ice chips or fruit juice may be given in early labor
- Intravenous fluid is started when patient is under regional anesthesia.
Bladder care :
- Patient is encourage to pass urine by herself as full bladder often inhibits uterine contraction and may lead to infection
- Privacy must be maintained and comfort must be ensure
- If the patient fails to pass urine especially in late first stage, catheterization is to be done with strict aseptic precaution.
Assessment of progress of labor and partograph recording :
- Pulse is recorded every 30 min .
- Blood pressure is recorded every 1 hour
- Temperature is recorded at every 2 hour
- Urine output is recorded for volume , protein , acetone
- any drug is given is recorded on partograph
Note the fetal well-being :
- Fetal heart rate along with its rhythm and intensity should be noted every half hour in the first stage and every 15 min second stage or following rupture of membrane
- To avoid confusion of maternal and fetal heart rates ,maternal pulse rate should be counted.
- Normal fetal heart rate ranges from 110- 160 beat per minute.
- Continuous electronic fetal monitoring should be done.
Vaginal examination :
- Dilatation of the cervix in centimeters in relation to hours of labor is a reliable index to note the progress of labor
- To note the position of the head and degree of flection
- To note the station of the head in relation to ischial spine
- Color of liquor ( clear or meconium stained ) if the membrane are rupture
- Degree of molding of the head
Evidence of maternal distress are :
- Anxious look with sunken eyes
- Rising pulse rate of 100 per min or more
- Dehydration, dry tongue
- Hot , dry vagina often with offensive discharge
- Acetone smell in breath
- Scanty high colored urine with presence of acetone